Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Birthday and Easter rolled all in one...

What an amazing couple of days it has been! Friday was my 25th birthday and it was also Good Friday. I slept in, cleaned up for Grandmother, and then headed off to eat lunch with Brandon, Jennifer and my girls. On my way I thought that I could stop at the DMV and renew my license--an easier task if they were open! So with that task on hold I was off to a wonderful time of fun and fellowship. After eating we dyed eggs (a new one for me on my birthday!) and then went shopping before I went to meet Mom and Wanda for the Casting Crowns concert. I had a great time getting numerous messages and calls from friends and family and enjoying a wonderful night of worshiping my Lord!!
Saturday we continued the birthday celebration as Aaron's mom came over to meet us for lunch and gift exchange. We had a lovely time and each came away with several nice gifts. Aaron and I had a lot of fun playing Mario Party 8 (his birthday gift from me).
Sunday was a busy day. We got up early to go to church since I wanted to be able to attend service on Easter as well as help out in the nursery if needed. After church we went over to help Mom break her fast at Cracker Barrel. There was a short break where we were able to come home, pick up a bit, and visit with Matt, April and Justin before heading off to my grandparents to celebrate Easter and my grandfather's birthday. After hanging out with family for a couple of hours we headed up to my parents house to play Guilliotine.
Unfortunately I do not have any pictures from the weekend really. I was horrible about forgetting to carry my camera with me. Tomorrow I am going out to eat with my grandmother and Milner to celebrate my birthday. I love spreading out and extending the love!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

baby giese is on the way!

For those of you who read this and dont know (I dont think there are many of you) my future brother and sister in law are expecting thier first baby any day now. While the baby is technically not due until April 7th, she has already begun to dialate and her cervix is changing. Exciting for those of us anxiously awaiting! It would be very exciting for the baby to come close to my birthday:)
So anyways, prayers would be appreciated first for the family and secondly for me as I try to get everything ready in preperation of going down to meet the little one!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

thesis day two and more

Well thesis day two turned out to be more productive than the first day. I got up pretty much when planned and got to work around the time I had planned. I did take a few short naps on the couch before really buckling down to work. I managed to make a plan for my research and hope to be able to stick to it over the next couple of weeks/months.
On other notes this weekend totally rocked and was full of rest and fun! I spent Saturday hanging out with my mom and Wanda. My "quick" trip to Target turned into an eight hour jaunt! Overall the afternoon and evening turned out to be very fun and relaxing. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with Wanda and my mom after several weeks of not seeing either one of them hardly at all.
Today was a beautiful day! Although it was chilly it was very sunny and beautiful. I went to church and then over to Brandon and Jennifers to eat and hang out. We ended up leaving the girls with other people and helping another family paint their house. After we painted we went to the lake and walked. Wow...it has been a LONG time since I've walked around the lake. Haha! But everyone should be proud. I made it around the lake with a child strapped on with only two little blisters on my feet.
Ok, as much as I'd love to offer up more of the juicy details of my life I must now leave you to go and get ready for the day back at school tomorrow.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

thesis day one

Well today has been a decent day. I woke up later than I needed to, said a quick prayer for my grandmother who was in surgery, ate some breakfast and then got started on my work. I would have gotten more done but stayed at home and ended up taking breaks to do other things and also watching some tv off and on. I did get some work done so I dont feel like beating myself up completely. It also helps that I have tomorrow off as well and can work all day tomorrow on getting work done.
On another note: I did manage to get my cell phone fixed so that I can send and receive text messages! They ended up giving me a new phone since they had NO idea what was wrong with my other one. Not very good since I'd only had that phone for about a week.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A few of my favs!

A, moi, and J bug! Check out that sleep pose:)

Simply beautiful!

Feeding the ducks

my girls!

I have been so very blessed to have three of the sweetest girls in my life lately! This past weekend I was able to keep all three of them for the entire weekend. What a joy! I had such a great time hanging out and watching them.
We spent Friday night hanging out on the couch and just simply enjoying each other. Saturday was a very relaxing morning but also very enjoyable. D was feeling better after a bellyache Friday night and as a result was a lot more fun. After some time hanging out around the apartment I felt the desire to get out of the house and do something. Since it was not snowing like the weather people called for I decided we would drive to Fun Depot for a birthday party. All three of the girls fell asleep on the way over and let me tell you--they were sooooo cute!! I hated to wake them up but also didnt want D to miss out on the party. We unloaded and had a great time playing. The girls are so well behaved generally and Saturday was no different. After playing a couple of hours we came back, went by the grocery store, and then came back to my apartment to have a slumber party. We made pizza, watched another "Princess" movie and painted toenails.
Sunday was another great day of fun. I took the girls to church where I was able to drop them off and go to service. When we finished up we came back to the apartment, ate lunch, and then went down to feed the ducks. The girls were a hoot! It was so exciting to be a part of watching them experience something new. Every little piece of bread thrown was fun and exciting. Even after the last piece of bread was thrown the girls wanted to hang out and watch the ducks.
I was sad later that day to see them go home. And can honestly say I have missed them since!
Hopefully we will be able to spend some time together this week:)