Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy!
I love you!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Friday's Fun

I am excited for all of the fun that is going to be happening tomorrow! In the morning I am going to get up do a few productive type things then head towards Cherokee to see some of my family that is camping there. I am looking forward to a day where I can hang out with family I don't see often and relax. Maybe I'll even take a dip in the pool.
In the afternoon I will head back to Waynesville to pick up my keys (I left them in my aunt's car earlier today--oops), take a quick shower (maybe), and then meet my mom and some other dear friends for an evening of girlie fun. I'm not sure what we are doing when we get together but our final destination will be Chonda Pierce. Fun, Christian, giggly and girlie.
Hopefully I will have pictures to post soon. I am tired of blogging and not being able to add updated photos!

Also to come--Birthday shout outs to some of my favorite people!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

updates and a few thoughts and goals...

I met my goal on Friday for being out of my classroom and turning in my key. The whole day Friday was so surreal. I packed my last load in my car and fought back the tears as I closed that chapter on my life. I dont know if God is closing the chapter on teaching for me for a season or for good. I am doing my best to place my trust in Him who loves me and has a plan for me.

This weekend didnt really feel any different from any other except for it was the first one in nearly a month when we were not moving stuff from one location to another. It was so nice to relax and enjoy life at a much slower pace. Aaron and I managed to get several things done so the weekend was not a total loss.

Today I have kicked back and relaxed much of the day. While I have the time to simply sit and do nothing I am feeling the urge to try and get a few things knocked off of the to do list. Maybe I can get a few things done.

A few summer goals (I am hoping by posting them that I will be more accountable to them):
*get back in shape
*finalize wedding plans
*find work for the fall (hopefully kiddos to watch)
*clean and organize this house

Monday, June 8, 2009


Tonight while I should be working on a number of things (nevermind it is after 12 already and I have to "teach" school tomorrow, possibly without an assistant, I feel the need to post.
For days now I have looked at my blog and felt like I should update so that people can read and discover that I have accomplished many things off of the ol to do list found in the last post. But I never could seem to find the energy. This past month (well year to be more precise) has been simply exhausting. Never in my rather young life have I felt so drained day after day. While I could go on and on tonight I simply come to you broken.
I am broken over what has happened in my life this year. As I started to pack up my professional life yesterday, I opened the first cabinet and sat staring. Then I began to cry. I was so frustrated and overwhelmed with all that I had to do and the little amount of time in which to do it. I was also frustrated with the ending or perhaps delaying of a dream I have carried in my heart for nearly my entire life. Even as I sit here typing all of this out the tears roll down my face. I am broken friends. I do not know where God is driving this crazy train I am on and sometimes I even wonder if I want to continue the ride.
This week is turning out to be so much harder than I ever imagined it to be--and it's only Monday.
Please pray for me over the coming weeks and months. I am trusting that the Lord will show me His will and point me in the direction I am to go. I am also trusting that He will restore peace and joy in my life.