Monday, May 2, 2011

Where we stand for now

I use my blog mostly as a link to read other blogs. There I said it.

I often think about posting things but then feel like it would be too much work, esp if there are pictures I want to share or that no one really cares about the thoughts running through my head. I started to think about why I blog and if I wanted to continue to blog. I decided over the last few days that I would continue to blog...hopefully with a little more regularity. I want to share the things that keep our family going and to share pictures of our sweetie with family and friends that dont live close by.

Speaking of our sweet little one he continues to be such a blessing in our lives. He turned 6 months old recently and suddenly seems to be growing up so quickly. In the last week he has taken off with his motor skills. He rolls over all the time now and loves to play sitting up. Just yesterday he started to pull himself up holding your hands without any real help from you. He continues to love most solid foods. He has enjoyed peas, pears, sweet potatoes, avocado, and squash. So far the only foods he seems to not like are peaches and rice cereal.

Alright for tonight thats all I have. I am off to fold laundry and sort out little man's 6 month photos.

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